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One of my favorite recipes! #Hoisin-Glazed #Tofu & #GreenBeans

(Serves 4)

1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
8 ounce fresh green beans, trimmed and halved lengthwise and/or fresh snow pea pods, trimmed
2 tablespoon hoisin sauce
1 tablespoon soy sauce or tamari sauce
2 tablespoon vegetable oil
16 ounce extra-firm tofu, drained
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper (optional)
3 tablespoon water
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
Lime wedges
Hot cooked rice or rice noodles


Cut tofu lengthwise into four 1-inch thick slices. Lay tofu slices on a double layer of paper towels. Top with another double layer of paper towels. Weigh down with a plate topped with cans to remove excess
water from tofu. Let stand for 10 minutes. Cut tofu into 1-inch cubes.

Meanwhile, stir together the water, hoisin, soy sauce, ginger, and 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper, if using.

In an extra-large skillet heat 1 tablespoon oil over medium-high heat. Add tofu.

Cook, without stirring until tofu begins to brown, 4 to 5 minutes. Turn and cook 4 to 5 minutes more, stirring occasionally until
tofu is golden brown on all sides.

Transfer tofu to a plate. Add remaining 1 Tbsp. oil to skillet. Add garlic; cook 30 seconds. Add beans; cook 4 minutes or until barely tender. Return tofu to skillet. Add hoisin mixture; bring to boiling, stirring to coat. Serve with rice and lime wedges.

Nutrition Facts (Hoisin-Glazed Tofu & Green Beans)
Per serving: 236 kcal cal., 14 g fat (1 g sat. fat, 5 g polyunsaturated fat, 6 g monounsatured fat), 0 mg chol., 402
mg sodium, 17 g carb., 2 g fiber, 5 g sugar, 14 g pro. Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.

Link to image [directions are missing]
#VegetarianRecipes #VeganRecipes #DietForASmallPlanet #SolarPunkSunday #Recipes

The Recipe Critic · Homemade Hoisin SauceHoisin sauce is the perfect foundation for all of your Asian-inspired dishes. It packs so much delicious flavor, you won't want store-bought again!

[Thread] Alright then. Let's get the #SolarPunkSunday ball rolling! I will be sharing recipes for eating on a budget, but some of them involve eggs -- which are off the menu for my vegan friends, and might be off the menu for others as well. My favorite egg substitute? Tofu! Extra firm #Tofu can be used as a substitute for scrambled eggs, and silken tofu is great for making desserts and other goodies. Here are some links to recipes and tips and tricks involving #EggSubstitutes!

First off...

The Best Tofu For Egg Substitute: A Must-read For #Vegans And #Vegetarians!

What To Know

Whether you’re making a scramble, a quiche, or a tofu-based dessert, it’s important to choose the right type of tofu for the task at hand.
It can be used in dishes where you want the tofu to have a similar texture to eggs, such as scrambles and quiches.
Baked tofu is a great alternative to eggs in dishes where you want the tofu to have a chewy texture, such as tofu hot dogs or tofu sandwiches.

What Is The Best Tofu To Use For An Egg Substitute?

1. Firm tofu: This tofu has a dense and chewy texture, making it a good substitute for eggs in baking recipes.
2. Silken tofu: This type of tofu has a soft and smooth texture, making it a good substitute for eggs in sauces, dressings, and smoothies.
3. Extra-firm tofu: This type of tofu has a firm and meaty texture, making it a good substitute for eggs in stir-fry recipes.
4. Tofu scramble: This is a quick and easy way to use tofu as an egg substitute. Simply crumble tofu and cook it in a pan with spices and vegetables.
5. Tofu mayonnaise: This is an easy and healthy way to make mayonnaise without using eggs. Simply blend tofu with lemon juice, mustard, and seasonings.

Read more [includes recipes]:
#DietForASmallPlanet #VeganRecipes

Rango do dia: tofu frito no óleo de coco com shoyu agridoce

Corta o tofu bonitin e frita no óleo de coco até pegar cor

Numa panelinha misture:

- gengibre ralado
- alho picado
- cebolinha picada
- shoyu
- açúcar (opcional)
- un pouquinho de água

Depois de misturar, bote pra aquecer no fogão enquanto o tofu dá uma fritada.

Depois, misture junto no tofu, espera engrossar um pouco o molho, joga gergelim e caso não tenha colocado açúcar no molho, bota um pouquinho de mel.

Depois que engrossar, tampa a frigideira e deixa no bafo um pouco.

Depois só comer loucamente

#Edeka hat mir einen Floh ins Ohr gesetzt. Gulasch #Vegan .
Meine Weihnachtstradition ist eine Kohlsuppe, die als Grundlage 1kg Gulasch beinhaltet. Edeka meint mit Räuchertofu. Normales #Tofu ist eh nicht so meins.
Kann mir jemand sagen ob so ein Tofu auch die "Suppe" überlebt? Und ob Gewicht da eher 1:1 oder lieber weniger Tofu? Kann das schmecken? 😇
PS: Es wird keine anderen "Opfer" geben, nur mich😋

I tried cooking tofu in a waffle iron... and it was fantastic! Seriously! I used firm tofu and cut it into three slices, about 1/2" each. I cooked each slice in the iron for 10-15 minutes, then cut them into strips, and then seasoned them with Szechuan spices and chili oil. It's a nice chewy texture with a crisp outside, sort of like chicken nuggets. #vegetarian #tofu